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Pepper Challenge

The bosses wife gave me two giant bags of peppers!! We have ghost peppers, red chile peppers, and two types of jalapeno peppers. The goal... no pepper left behind! As most of you know I am married to a chef, so for the last two weeks I have been picking my husbands brain as to what to do with these peppers. He came up with several different types of hot sauces, and gave me a lot of ideas; however, I have NEVER made hot sauce so I am not really feeling all that comfortable with the idea. I went to the grocery store with this hot sauce making agenda, and purchased most of the items John (my husband) had mentioned in his advice giving sessions. I am still not feeling overly confident in this process so this past Sunday John came home early... And the pepper challenge begins!! We listened to Steeley Dan, Frank Zappa, Fleetwood Mac & Neil Young and made an evening of it! John was a wonderful sport and made THREE different hot sauces! Here is the play by play and a little music to set the mood...


Three mangoes peeled and cubed..

Peel and grate ginger..

Cut top off jalapeno cut in half long ways push flat and slice out guts..

Slice in strips long ways then turn sideways and dice..

You end up with perfect little cubes...

Red Onion..

Add in vinegar, water, and sugar bring to a boil stirring occasionally..

Let cool then pulse in a blender until desired consistency is reached..

This sauce is sweet at first then the jalapenos kick in for a nice even heat..



Three papaya seeded, peeled and cubed (use the same method as the mangoes)..

Limes zested and juiced..

I found this to be a helpful little trick! My husband said the Mexicans taught him to juice the lime with tongs...

I definitely recommend the gloves as these peppers will melt your face...

Minced onion..

Sugar, water, vinegar...

Bring to a boil & add in a dash little allspice...

Cool, place in blender and blend to desired consistency..

This comes in like a lamb "Oh how sweet papaya.." then the devil himself grabs your tongue and drags it through the flames of hell and you can't feel your tongue..for a few...Not run to the fridge for milk hot but...



All remaining peppers: we cut top off pepper and cut in half long ways push flat and slice out guts..

Peel and grate garlic and add red & white onion left from other batches..

Over med heat Saute onion until golden, add peppers, until soft add garlic...

Add vinegar, sugar, and water...

Cool, place in blender and blend until desired consistency..

This one really tastes like roasted peppers with a medium heat..

I have let several people sample the sauces and am excited for other opinions to be posted.. I hope you enjoy as much as we did!!

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